Join the Tuesday newsletter designed to deliver best-in-class industry trends, actionable strategies, and tailored feedback to improve your digital marketing and increase conversions. 

Get More Customers In Less Time With Better Marketing

by Danielle Canty

By subscribing to the two percent – you're joining a community of like-minded women committed to implementing proven digital marketing tactics to make more money and grow their business.

Less Than 2% Of Women Reach The 7-Figure Mark In Their Business.

If you’re already a millionaire or Know You're Going to be one…you're in the right place.


...we get to change that.

Fill Your Marketing Cup Every Tuesday Morning

With everything you need to know AND 

nothing you don't.

+ Social Media Secrets
+ Funnel Optimizing Ideas

+ Customer Journey Maps
+ Repeat Revenue Roadmaps

+ Paid Ads Strategies
+ Sales-Driving Techniques

It’s Time To Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Hi 👋 I’m Danielle Canty – entrepreneur, investor, digital marketer, community-building expert…

…and now, your virtual CMO.

When women have wealth – the world changes.

And when women become better marketers – wealth is MUCH easier to come by.

Love is a verb.

the two percent is my love letter to women business owners ready to become millionaires and change the narrative for generations to come.

in the hands of more women.

Join the fastest growing community of digital marketers, starting, growing and scaling online businesses.

Become A Better Marketer.

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